Stylized graffiti art using Arabic calligraphy formed in the shape of a date palm tree as two dates fall from its branches and a stream of water flows at the feet of a woman in tashahhudArtist Name:
“UMMISSA” (English Meaning: Mother[of]Jesus) Arabic Calligraphy (where “UMM” = Mother, and “ISSA” = Jesus). Stylized graffiti art using Arabic calligraphy formed in the shape of a date palm tree as two dates fall from its branches and a stream of water flows at the feet of a woman in tashahhud

This original work of art is inspired by a widely unknown story that begins in The Holy Quran 19:19. In the nineteenth chapter entitled "Suratal Maryam"(Meaning: Chapter[of]Mary) , Allah SWT corrects slanderous rumors, while also confirming previous revelations found in the "Torah of Moses" & the "Gospels of Jesus Christ".
The Moral of the Story:
Miracles Happen.
But Faith is not enough, they require physical effort.
Miracles are easy for the Lord of all the worlds to grant to his devout servants. Allah could have let the dates fall without commanding Saint Mary to perform a miracle and shake a date palm tree just moments after giving birth. But for true miracles to happen one must not only have sincere faith. Miracles require both immediate obedience & sincere physical effort from the true believers in order to manifest into reality.
Miracles Happen.
But Faith is not enough, they require physical effort.
Miracles are easy for the Lord of all the worlds to grant to his devout servants. Allah could have let the dates fall without commanding Saint Mary to perform a miracle and shake a date palm tree just moments after giving birth. But for true miracles to happen one must not only have sincere faith. Miracles require both immediate obedience & sincere physical effort from the true believers in order to manifest into reality.
This abstract scene is meant to illustrate and educate seekers of truth and admirers of art of the Islamic account of the Birth of "Issa al-Mesih" (Meaning: Jesus The Christ). Shortly after Islam's first Lady and most blessed mother miraculously gives birth to her fatherless baby boy, also known as "The Word of God", baby Issa performs his first miracle and preaches the word of God as an infant.
His very scared and very young postpartum mother is commanded to not worry herself with false accusations of fornication or what the people of Jerusalem may do or say to her but to instead find relief in obeying an impossible command and shake the trunk of a Date Palm Tree. Two dates can be seen falling from the Date Palm tree as a stream of water also appears from heaven at the feet of The Blessed Virgin, Saint Mary,
The latest studies in science prove dates and water to be the best food for a newly lactating mother to produce milk for her infant child. For "THE ONE" who sent Jesus (peace be upon him) it easy to make miracles such letting dates and water fall upon Saint Mary and Blessed Baby Jesus, but instead she was commanded to shake the date palm tree.
Mary could have also protested or doubted the command to shake a date palm tree. One would be inclined to think that this was impossible for even a strong grown man, let alone a young mother just moments after giving birth to do.
Yet without hesitation she obeyed the command and shook the tree and found relief and sustenance and comforting relief that she and her holy infant had the full support and care of the Lord of all the worlds, and that Allah (SWT) would deliver her and baby Jesus from all pestilence that may come their way.